Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

The answer is NO, look at the last line of the riddle

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

a certain part of the male anatomy

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

ummmm...a pimple??

Can anyone solve this riddle:?


Can anyone solve this riddle:?

no, i cannot solve this riddle

Welcome to Yahoo Answer! ^-^

-from one of the few people who notice

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

Ummmm, the wind?

I give up, add details, and tell me!

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

no clue.. you ?

Can anyone solve this riddle:?


Can anyone solve this riddle:?



Can anyone solve this riddle:?

Sun ?????

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

I think this is hard, and I don't think anyone will get the answer. But my best answer is "NOTHING COMBINED".

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

The answer is no....No i cannot solve this riddle

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

===== Solution 1

The Riddle is in response to a POEM "TIME" as listed below:


The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disappear.

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequel

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves

How does one turn water and wine

into something so fine

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehend something so vast.

===== Solution 2

The answer is NO, Nitric Oxide.

NO is formed when nitrogen is burned. Air is made up of about 78% nitrogen, so NO is a common air pollutant.

Car exhaust has NO in it. NO is an unstable gas that is reactive, meaning it can change according to what other substances are near it.

NO plays a role in many diseases including diabetes, cancer, sunburn, anorexia, male impotence...nitric oxide is involved in all of these disorders.

NO is in most living animals and is produced by several different kinds of cells.

A Nobel Prize was awarded to Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad for their discoveries concerning "nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system".


Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas that transmits signals in the organism. Signal transmission by a gas that is produced by one cell, penetrates through membranes and regulates the function of another cell represents an entirely new principle for signalling in biological systems. The discoverers of NO as a signal molecule are awarded the Nobel Prize.


Can anyone solve this riddle:?

Wow that is hard!

Can anyone solve this riddle:?

no, i would have to say its falling water because when i look at it, its pops soon afterwards

Can anyone solve this riddle:?


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