Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

wide tooth comb is good to de-tangle, and also on wet hair. a hair brush is good to brush out thick, or straight hair [not recommended for curly hair]

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

wide-toothed comb

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

A wide tooth comb is definetly better on your hair especially on wet hair, never use a brush on wet hair, it causes a lot of damage, a comb is your best bet.

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

comb.....starting at the end of your hair and working your way up, gently.

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

On wet hair, a wide-toothed comb. On dry hair, either but I wouldn't overbrush.

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

it depends on what type of hair you have. i dont brush or comb my hair when its dry because it is extremely curly, i only do that when its wet out of the shower or the few times it is straight. if i had to chose id say a comb it is easier on the hair.

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

The comb on wet hair.

The brush for styling.


What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

Wide tooth comb, Doesn't rip at your hair

What's better to use on your hair wide-toothed comb or hair brush?

read tips on haircare and more to help you on this site

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