Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What would you do? Can anyone help?

I have a man issue, I've been with my curent bf for 2yrs. In December he started being very distant. He'd disappear at night, not call for days at a time, go out of town without even letting me know, go back and forth about wether or not he wanted to be with me, started arguements for no reason. One time I went to his house and found a females comb (with hair) on his sink counter and all of our pictures tucked away. This BS went on from Dec to about 3wks ago. I grew tired and hurt so much (after 4months) that I told him we needed some time/space to figure out what was best for us individually (including seeing other people). The man I dated before my current bf had been calling and we were friends, he was young/dumb before but for the last year he's been a good friend. Nothing physical just calling to check on me, telling me how special I am, and told me he's in- love with me. My bf has come to his senses says he made a mistake and has been almost perfect for 3wks, but I'm confused

What would you do? Can anyone help?

Honestly, in my opinion, he doesn't deserve to have a second chance. He's fooled around with other girls. He may seem like he's really changed, but sooner or later, he'll go right back to doing it again.

If he is to stay with you, he has to earn your trust back. And make sure that trust isn't broken again.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

Give him a second chance. If he does it again, then no more. Demand confirmation/apologies for what he has done. Oh and I would wait about 2 more weeks before doing anything.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

trust your intincts, if you think he's not feeling you anymore its probably right. listen to that inner voice seriously before you see something that can hurt your feelings nine times out ten if a person feels their mate is cheating its true

What would you do? Can anyone help?


What would you do? Can anyone help?

I feel bad for your heartache. You want to believe in the positive but you are not realistic. Break off from your boyfriend and the man you dated before. A brief time of loneliness is a lot better than a lifetime of sadness. Good luck.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

try to start something with your friend see if it works. and tell your bf that you don't want to start something new the way he has disrespected you is just unfair thats what i would do.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

sounds to me that your boyfriend was seeing another woman, maybe even more than one. Even though things seem fine for the moment, he will go back to seeing other women again, it will just be a matter of time. I would tell him that you are still hurt over what he has done to you and move on. Maybe things will work out with your ex, and maybe they won't, but at least you won't be with the man who has already cheated on you that probably will again. (once a cheater always a cheater)

What would you do? Can anyone help?

Dump the b/f and remain friends with the second guy. In time you will know what his true intentions are.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

try seeing the new guy.. looks like you need a change anyway.. you old b/f was taking you for granted and fell out of love.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

Do NOT give your bf a second chance. obviously he has been involved with another woman WHEN HE WAS WITH YOU, which is a horrible thing to do. Also, he has been "perfect" probably because he figured out its too much work to be involved with 2 girls at the same time, so he dumped the other one. meanwhile, your old boyfriend is a very good friend, and as the saying goes "happiness is being married to your best friend" I'm not telling you to marry the guy, but give him a chance!!! good luck!!!

What would you do? Can anyone help?

If you can forgive your bf...(I would have a hard time with that)...then he needs to get tested for STDs. He obviously was cheating and lying to you about it for a long time. You should get tested too.

Can you trust him again?

As to the other you really want to jump from one bad relationship back into another with someone with whom it didn't work out before? Even if he was a new guy, you still need time to heal from this current situation.

Take a breather.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

I wouldn't stay with him, and the ex-well I'd give that some time---just take it slow and see if that is really what u want

What would you do? Can anyone help?

Your current bf is/was sleeping with someone else. Your ex-bf still loves you. When your bf realized that he could loose you, he decided to play angel for you to stay. If you forgive him, he'll do it again. If you still has feelings for the ex, then give him a chance. But don't let your hurt prevent you from being happy.

What would you do? Can anyone help?

sweetie,if it was me i would kick them both to the crub and start fresh,if he is starting this CRAP before marraige your life would be hell after then you would be stuck, remember,you are number 1 snd every msn comes 2nd always take care of you 1st, there is that special man that is only going to have eyes for you and you will love it!!!!!!!!

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